Just got back from our first trip out of the city and also had the best weather we've had since we arrived. Had a cruise over to Waiheke island which is a large island (25 x 20 kms) with a population of 8500.
It was an awesome cruise over with some great views back toward downtown Auckland, and also across the water to some of the smaller islands and other districts of Auckland. They call Auckland the city of sails, and you can see why. It seemed everyone was on the water. We saw boats of all sizes, catamarans and guys whizzing around on jet skis. The water was an amazing tropical green colour and very clear.
It took around 45 minutes to get over to the island and as it was on
ly a small place we decided to get a 90 minute bus tour. It was great. The bus took us through the small towns and past vineyards but also took us up to amazing lookout points around the island so i could fulfill my urge to photograph anything that moved. One such place was overlooking an area called "Nudey beach" which is New Zealands only legal nudist beach. As hard as i tried though, i couldn't get a good look! It would've probably only be filled with overweight Germans anyway! Why is it that no fit people get into naturism? I've only ever nudey sunbathed once (in my garden, much to Kates despair!) and of course appeared naked and painted blue on national TV but i've never been to a nudist beach. I have seen them on TV though and everyone always just seems old, overweight and/or
German. I can totally see the appeal of the air whistling against your twig and giggle berries, but it would surely be better if there was a chance you could see a hot girl instead of some old bird with her nipples below her belly button or some wrinkly balled old guy playing volleyball? Maybe they only allow old swamp donkeys into these places to prevent all the guys getting embarrassing stiffys! So, after much deliberation i decided to give "Nudey beach" a wide berth.
It didn't matter though as it seemed that around every corner of Waiheke was a another stunning isolated beach to occupy me. We stopped of
f in the main town of Oneroa (Long beach) for a spot of lunch and went to stroll along the beach. We found some little rock pools and Kate was in her element (being a marine biologist and all). We watched little shrimps and hermit crab busy their selves in their little rock pools and enjoyed the amazing scenery which got a little spoilt by some dude nudist sun bathing! He had a little pouch covering his modesty but it didn't. As we strolled past i couldn't help but look and notice one of his nads poking out! Gross! Oh, they call hair removal cream Nads over here! Made me laugh!
We wondered back to the ferry port under the scorching sun. I was a bit worried as although we had sun screen on New Zealand is right under that hole in the ozone layer that all eco-warriors go on about. It means that you can get burnt even if it's not sunny and that NZ has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. This is worrying news, especially for Kate who gets burnt from just reading the Sun newspaper!! I'm sure she could strike a match and get a tan from it!
We wondered back to the ferry port under the scorching sun. I was a bit worried as although we had sun screen on New Zealand is right under that hole in the ozone layer that all eco-warriors go on about. It means that you can get burnt even if it's not sunny and that NZ has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. This is worrying news, especially for Kate who gets burnt from just reading the Sun newspaper!! I'm sure she could strike a match and get a tan from it!
The crossing back was uneventful. We got back to our room, sho
wered then waited for dusk. We then went up the 220m sky tower to see the sun set over the city. It was very pretty but not the best sun set i have seen. It was great to see how green the city is and to get an amazing view of the harbour and the distant islands. It was high, not as high as say the CN tower in Toronto but that said, i can't believe that Kate jumped off it the last time she was here! She said she wouldn't do it again. I think she was drunk or something. You know Kate, it's possible.
So we are planning to get a car and try and sort out getting our campervan over the next few days. I'm also hoping to put some pics on Facebook but although the Internet is widely available, it's bloody pricey to upload anything! We'll see.
Anyway guys, hope all is well at home? Take care y'all.
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