Thursday 26 February 2009

New Zealand, some differences

OK, so we have been here in the north of NZ for a few weeks now. Again, not really enough time to really know a country but there are some very obvious differences between life here and life back home.

It is very odd being so far from home and everyone speaking English. I sometimes feels that I'm actually not in NZ at all, I'm really in Shepherds Bush. Every time someone speaks to me in a Kiwi accent i have an uncontrollable urge to order some drinks! Although there are far less Kiwi bar staff in London these days. It's actually a very different accent to the one you hear back home which i guess has become a bit Anglo-fied. Nah, the real Kiwi accent is much broader, almost South African, and everyone says either "mate" or "bro" at the start and/or end of each sentence. Example - "Hey mate, how's it all going bro? Sweet as, eh? Hey, you a skater bro?" which was said to me in a skateboard shop yesterday. All very cute.

New Zealand food so far seems awesome. Very English influenced with Fish and chips (although no cod or haddock, it's all snapper or dory) and Pies everywhere but also quite eclectic. We are obviously in the Pacific ocean here and have a lot of Islanders and Asians so there are a lot of Japanese, Korean and Chinese places to eat and not that many curry houses. I've yet to sample a Hangi, which is the Maori way of cooking with a hole in the ground but I'm sure we will at some point. They love there cheese here too (Smoosh cheers!!) and you can have it on everything, it's even in their pies. I had a mince and cheese pie while i was drunk last week and i think it was quite nice!?
No where in NZ is more than 105 miles from the sea so fish is everywhere. But not like in Japan where they are truly obsessed with it, and eat every last bit, even the eggs! Here it's more of the traditional, fillets of fish and no baby octopuses on sticks. They are very environmentally aware here too and regulate all there fishing, unlike Japan.
You can also get milkshakes here. Japan hardly had any. Here though they have some different flavours. You can't get vanilla but you can get lime. Now, lime flavoured milkshake may sound odd and it certainly looks weird (cos it's bright green!) but OMG, it is so nice. Really refreshing on a hot summers day.
Oh, and what a joy to eat New Zealand lamb again. I always remember as a kid seeing NZ lamb everywhere and it was lush. Much nicer than the lamb we get at home.
The beer here is well nice and i love the fact that everyone supports homegrown beer. There is bud and becks but I've not seen anyone buy it. It means that the local beers are really nice. Shame we don't do that at home anymore. Most beers are imported from Europe, USA and Australia and it has meant that UK beer is all now rubbish or difficult to really find. It packs a punch here but to be fair I've not really had a hangover on it yet. Danny reckons it's because they purify it and cut out all the additives and all the rubbish. All good with me.

I've mentioned the scenery but it isn't really that different from back home. It's just so abundant here. At home you have to be in specific parts like Scotland or Cornwall to see the good stuff whereas here it's Scotland or Cornwall around every corner.

There seems to be a lack of deodorant here too! I've never smelt so much bad BO. Especially from the Moari's. It's available, I've seen it in the shops but it just seems hardly any guys here buy it and they reek! We went out the other night and some Maori guy started to hit on Kate. He was on the other side of the dance floor and every time he lifted his arms it was like a meltdown at Chernobyl! Birds were dropping from the skies it was that bad! It just doesn't seem to be high on their agendas. Grim.
The people here though have generally smelt OK and have been really nice. It's all a very laid back sort of culture, which suits me fine and i imagine it is very easy to make friends here. Unlike parts of London where everyone walks with their heads down in fear of looking the wrong way at someone. That always annoyed me. How can you look at someone the wrong way? with your eyes on your elbows? or in the palms of your hands like that creepy monster in Pans Labyrinth? Then yeah, OK i can see that being a problem worthy of a good kicking, but not because you looked at someone for too long or something, or had an air of indifference in your eyes. Stupid London.

Anyway, if i think of anything else I'll let you know. I'm off now to keep discovering. Going body boarding this afternoon. I just hope I'm not harpooned by Japanese fishermen. I'd hate to have my cock served up with rice and seaweed!

Sweet as.



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