Thursday 15 January 2009

So, here we are...........

Hello cyberspace. I often think of cyberspace as the massive area of virtual emptiness that Gary and Wyatt have to fill with information in the "Weird science" film. They of course fill it with the smoking hot image of Kelly le Brock. I'll probably go for something a little different and it is very unlikely to have boobies, maybe.

This is hopefully the first of many posts over the next X amount of years as i hope to chronicle my travelling experiences (which technically start tomorrow). It seems that some of the funniest and interesting things have happened to me whilst i have been away from home which probably means that now i have strarted a blog, my life will become tedious and boring. Typical.

Ok, so i should start by outlining my plans over the next few years. As i mentioned, it all starts tomorrow with a pre big-travels-to-New-Zealand-for-a-year skiing trip to Borovets in Bulgaria. 4 days of hopefully glorious skiing and hucking (jumping) of things. Although I am thinking of being a little cautious as i don't really want to start my travels in a cast. Going with my BFF Lewy and meeting Mr Brindley and a few of his friends out there. Should be a giggle but I am mostly looking forward to getting back on my skis again. It's been 8 months since i last really used them out in Canada and apart from a few travels to indoor ski slopes they've just sat in the shed. It seems my ski boots have had more adventure than i have since i bought them in Banff. Especially since i left them on a bus, then someone (who shall remain nameless) found them and decided to try and sell them, but decided to send them back to me after some intervention from a mutual friend. (thanks G)

The "REAL" travelling starts on the 3rd of Feb. When Kate and I head off to the land of the rising sun. We have a weeks stopover in Japan enroute to NZ. We arrive in Tokyo, via Munich and head straight onto the the bullet train out to Nagano for a bit more skiing at the Shiga Kogen resort. We are there for a few days then head back to Tokyo to spend some time in the city. We're really excited as have wanted to go to Japan for years.

We arrive in Auckland, via Christchurch on the 11th of Feb. We have rented an apartment for 10 days which should give us plenty of time to settle in, get our selves sorted and look for a Biff. Oh, i should explain that a Biff is what Kate and i have decided to call our campervan. When we have purchased our little Biff we are then heading up to Whangerai to hook up with Derby Danny and Catherine, our old friends from Uni. Not sure how long we plan to stay up there but it will have nothing to do with the fact that Danny just happens to be a Mechanic. After seeing the guys we are going to take a gentle meander down to our home for the winter season (May - Oct), Queenstown. We hope to settle here, get work and rent a place for around 6 months. I imagine we will ski our little arses off for the season as well as partaking in some of the other local activities available. We then head back onto the road and head back to Danny and Catherines taking in all that the country has to offer.

We are a bit sketchy after that. I think it'll depend a lot on how our money situation is looking. After all, i still have 6 months off after we finish in NZ and we are already a long way from home so it may be a good opportunity to check out places like Australia, Fiji and the pacific rim. A lot will also depend on whether Kate will still be talking to me after a whole year of being in each others pocket and having to put up with my flatulence.

As you can imagine we are super psyched about going. We have been through so much turbulence this last year or two and are just looking forward to a hassle free, non stressful, peaceful but exciting and new era in our lives. NZ, here we come!!

I'm also psyched about my new ability to take photos. Well, i've always had that ability, it's not something that i lost and has mysteriously grown back. It's just so nice to have a decent camera again. I intend to spend the next few weeks before we go getting my head around the million and one settings it has so i then post pics and further bore the arses of you or make you supremely jealous. I have posted a few random pics i have taken so far (the swan, a watering can and my mums dog Georgie).

Anyway, this is a crazy long post for my first effort and for those of you who have bothered to read this i hope you will dip in often to catch up on where i am in the world and see what i have been upto on my adventures. Until next time...................


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