Friday 23 January 2009

Boozing it up in Borovets, oh and some skiing too

Just had an awesome few days in Bulgaria. For those of you who don't know, my best mate Ian (Lewis, Lewy, Mr calamity) has an apartment in the ski resort of Borovets in Bulgaria. I've been out there a few times over the last few years but this was going to be the last time for a while to get out there. We both met up with Matt, who is an old friend of Lewys from uni and someone i had skied with the first time i went to Borovets. Matt had also taken a crowd of 6 nurses out there with him (the player!). They were a nice bunch with varying skiing ability. Put it this way, they were better drinkers than they were skiers! They were nurses after all!

The first day was awesome as the 3 boys skied near enough the whole resort looking for good spots and figuring out where all the decent snow was. Borovets hadn't had a good dump (of snow) for a while and it was patchy in places. The second day was pretty much spent aching. Both muscles and heads after a very large drinking session and about an hours sleep plus the usual pole dancing related injuries. Not too sure who the dude with the microphone is in this pic! We did make it out for a few runs but it wasn't good. Highlight of the second day was Lewis losing the contents of his stomach behind the restaurant we had lunch in. Ha ha.

Day 3 was by far the best day. We had found an awesome spot over by a run we affectionately call "Darrells dummy run." It was a run that i particularly struggled on a few years back and ended up "spitting my dummy out" and hurling my skis to the bottom of the run, cursing every flake of snow on the run as i went! That was a long time ago and i am a far more accomplished skier now, i hope. The area we found was off piste and had a series of mounds, rollers and jumps which we all hit. Apart from a few tucks, boot grabs and star jumps i pretty much stacked it a lot. The previous days skiing and the fact that i am out of shape took it's toll. Got some good footage of us which can be seen on my facebook page.

In all, it was a great pre-travelling break and apart from a rather hideous hangover after the first night i had lots of fun. Borovets isn't quite as small and as cheap as it once was and it was a shame that a few of the runs were closed or very icy. We lucked out with the weather and Matts goggle tan is definitely one to behold! It was great company though so it didn't matter to me that i spent a lot of time flying through the air and landing on my face! I had intended to take it easy as i didn't really want to break myself before i go skiing again in Japan in a few weeks, but couldn't resist the exhilaration of hurtling down mountain on a few bits of wood. Ah, total bliss.

So, i'm home now and have some pretty impressive bruises but the sense of achievement from hitting some big jumps and riding away clean far outweighs the aches and pains. Something i'm going to have to remember for the next time. Well, i have a busy few weeks ahead of me as it's not long before my big adventure begins. Hopefully if i get a quiet moment i can add to this blog. I find it very therapeutic.

So, until the next time...................



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