Wednesday 9 September 2009

So long K-Dog

Wow, what a hectic week! Danny and Catherine have been and gone now. We had a really nice time with them as ever. We took them up to Bobs Peak on their first day to have a few races on the luges. Great fun although it was freezing and there was snow and ice on a few of the bends which caused quite a few comedy crashes and skids. We then went out for the evening and ended up getting really REALLY drunk! Danny did his party trick which he only seems to do when he stays at our place which was wet the bed. He did it before when we were in the flat in Northolt after a few too many. We were fine with it and i of course found it hilarious. Things were pretty tame after that with our alcohol consumption. We had an awesome few days skiing too. The first day at CP was a little marred by our monumental hangovers but we still got in a few runs and managed a bit of night skiing too. We went to the Remarks the following day and had probably the best weather we have had all season, a total blue bird day. The snow was amazing and completely over shadowed my comical falls on the big box and the nursery slopes. I had to work the next day but the guys hit the slopes at CP again. I think they were aching after 3 solid (almost) days of skiing but they had a ton of fun and the mattress in our spare room avoided getting too soaked in Dannys wee.

My Brothers birthday was a good day. After an awesome bluebird day at the Remarks we headed into town. We wandered down to the beach to light our lanterns. I lit mine and before long it was soaring high into the atmosphere. Kates lantern was not so graceful. I think she let go of it a bit too soon and that it wasn't completely full of hot air. It climbed a little before taking a bit of a nose dive toward the lake. It recovered but never really got much higher than the tree tops of Q town gardens. It seemed to crash into the woods before going out but it was dark and we couldn't really see. We joked that it probably would start a massive fire but it all seemed fine. I also joked with Danny and Catherine at how the last time we lit lanterns for my cousins wedding it was in the newspapers and on local radio shows as reports of UFOs. Well, we made it into the local paper too! Today's paper has an article asking for answers to a strange light seen hovering in the night sky on Saturday. It was me you fools!! HA HA HA!

It seems the Winter games have truly left our town. But not before one of the biggest sports stars, Shaun White (the flying tomato and the Michael Jordan of both snowboarding and skateboarding) shouted at Kate from a van. She was walking into town when she heard this guy shouting at her from a passing van. She wasn't sure who it was but could see his flowing ginger locks blowing in the wind. When she got to town she looked in the local paper and noticed a picture of the guy who shouted at her, Shaun White! She has had a evil ear infection for the last week or so and wasn't sure what he shouted but thought it might have been something about collar and cuffs! Shaun White is super ginger so i reckon he was probably shouting his support of ginger power but i think it's way funny to think of a sporting legend asking my wife if she had matching pubes to her ginger hair! Good on ya Shaun!

Dodgeball also finished this week. We had an epic 3 game session including a playoff game to finalise the placings. We were missing Billy so drafted one of the rental guys, Talis to help us out. It was a stroke of genius on our part as we annihilated the first team and won 2 points. That pretty much doubled our whole haul for the season! We also won the next game too which got us right into the mix in our fight to not finish last. We then had our playoff game against the CP food & beverage team, yesterdays muffins. In front of a huge crowd we managed to squeak past them and win our 3rd game of the night lifting us into 4th from bottom in the league! We were stoked! The lifty team from CP ended up winning, finally knocking the Shaolin Shadow boxing ninjas off the top spot. The Vaginamite team i played for a few weeks ago ended up coming second so i claimed a hollow second place. No, we were super happy that our team finished so well.

So what next for the remaining few weeks of the season? Well, to keep ourselves busy at work we have developed an assassination game. 12 of us are playing and we are given hits by our game co-ordinator "M" which we then have to assassinate by putting a "U R DEAD!" sticker on them and shouting bang! There are safe zones where you can't get killed and the game will run for a week or so. I have already made 2 hits. Both of my victims (Kate the custodian and Tee who i work with in the shop) just walked into the shop, straight up to me before i stickered them. I felt bad for killing both of them but i'm sure they will get over it. My next target might be a bit more challenging as it is Talis, the dude from rentals who helped us play dodgeball this week. He's a massive Aussie dude so i will have to use all my cunning and also avoid getting assassinated myself. The paranoia is already starting to set in. I imagine i won't last too long.

Work is super quiet at the moment. I was so bored the other day that i made a robot. As you do. He is called HOD (Head of department) and has a little beanie and a "winter crew" yellow staff t-shirt. He is a snowboarder too with his own little snowboard and cool bindings. Toshi pissed himself when he saw it. I have put him on the shelf behind me in the shop and have already had a few cool comments from staff and customers. Hopefully he will watch the shop for me when i go for ride breaks and watch my back so i don't get assassinated.

We also had a really cool staff night tubing event at the remarks this week too. We got ferried over to the Remarks in one of the big buses and all shit ourselves on the road up. As the bus was so big the driver had to swing it out over the edge of the road so he could swing it around the tight corners of the mountain road. A few times a few of the girls squealed and there a few "fuck me!" moments. We made it safely though and got a free BBQ, 2 dollar beers and some awesome tubing action. Now it seems that at every staff night event this season a few people have decided to get naked. They did a naked bungy jump at our staff night there and did some nude skiing at our staff night skiing at CP. I had missed all the nudity up until the tubing night. In fact i got some cool pics of one of the Remarks liftys with her huge wangers out! She jumped onto a naked dude and they slid off down the track in their tube. At the bottom the guy fell out and slid naked along the snow. The crowd went mental and all pissed themselves at this, myself included. It was made funnier by someone nicking the dudes trousers! HA HA.

So the season is very much winding down and there are only a few weeks left of snow. More staff are leaving all the time and the weather is getting warmer and warmer. Some trees are starting to blossom too. All quite stunning but also quite sad. Especially since we lost a member of our posse yesterday. Yes, the K-Dog has had to go home to Aus. We sent him off with a bang though. Yeah we know how to party in style, by playing......................BINGO! Wednesdays are bingo night at the skycity casino. Yeah, OK kinda lame but we won $50! It was a good start to the evening and we ended up drinking barmaids, which are huge glass tanks with a tap so you can pour your own beers. K-Dog also tried to jump the stream that runs through town. I convinced him he would piss it. He tried and failed, pretty much soaking himself in the process! Good work fella! We will miss you K-Dog. I will miss your silky smooth 360s and extracting lots of your chips from you at poker. Keep in touch dude.

On a happier note the rest of our little posse are moving in with us! JC and Laura are having lots of problems with their housemates and landlord so we have extended our lease and we are gonna sub let them our spare room. It'll be a blast and i can't wait to get some more time with JC and our guitars.

I didn't manage to start in Rentals this week as everyone seems to be disappearing so i have had lots of extra shifts in the shop. I went into rentals yesterday and sorted out a few things with Jim and i start officially in rentals on Monday. It also looks like i might be able to work like 7 days a week if i want to. I mean it would suck but the money would certainly help our further travels. I guess we'll just see what happens.

Anyway guys i am gonna get back to what i do best which is laying on the sofa scratching myself and pestering Kate.




1 comment:

  1. Again, another remarkable blog entry...
    We must get more 'UFO's' ;-)
    We ended up that night having uber fun with Ellie's wheelchair...H has got the film...
    I discovered something this morning...I always read your blog smiling...Yr jokes Daz xxx LYM xx MYZ xxx
