Thursday 24 September 2009

The season is refusing to go down without a fight!

Sorry if my last blog entry was a wee bit emotional. It's a horrible time when someone dies but at the moment i am also struggling getting my head around the fact that the season is coming to a close. Not without a fight though. The weather has taken to winter again and the hills are once again covered in awesome dry powdery snow. I worked as a lifty again the other day and spent most of the day on my skis. As I'm only helping out I'm not given too much responsibility so can nip off for a few runs every now and then. What a difference in the snow. We've had warm, wet slushy snow for the last few weeks which I'm not a great fan of but this new dry snow is awesome. Like it was a few months ago.

This week has been filled with lots of goodbyes, not just to my Grandad but to a lot of folk on the hill. It seems that so many people are slipping away from Queenstown. Off to pastures new. Wow, next week will be the hardest as the mountain finally gets round to closing. We close on the 4th of October but there is talk of trying to stay open a little longer. Doubt it though. The mountain is too quiet. It'll be good for me as it means more money, more skiing and hopefully more time with my friends. We shall see. We've had our end of season ball. It was at one of the fancy hotels in town and had a 'ties and tiaras' theme. I went in jeans and a t-shirt with the tie i made out of a bin bag that i used to have for dodgeball, naturally. I was amazed at how many people smartened up. I hardly recognised a lot of staff. To be fair we are all scruffy and live in our beanies so to see some of the girls in fancy ball gowns was really cool. We had a live band and i got my groove on (but only after a lot of beer!). They had a big slide show with pictures of the staff from both CP and the Remarks. I was in one pic (with a metal wire through my nose which i had forgotten got photographed) which got a few laughs but i was most proudest that HOD, my little cardboard robot was also in it too! It seems he has become somewhat of a celebrity on the hill. I added to my collection of cardboard things by making a cardboard Kea the other day too. It is similar to the Kea that is the logo for the stash terrain park at the Remarks, except mine has a real gold necklace. Well cool.

After the ball we then went to the after-party at Revolver, which is one of the best bars in town (nothing to do with them putting me in a snowboard DVD with Shaun White of course). After way more beer and dancing i staggered home. I had the following day off work and it wasn't long before i was getting text abuse from both Billy and Tee in the shop. They were very hungover and were annoyed at me for keeping them out late. Light weights!

I also had my last jug night of the season (i think) last night so again had to get drunk. As our department is stupidly small we started off with a few drinks in the Pig and Whistle, then crashed the rentals jug night, which was later crashed by the food and beverage dept too. Carnage ensued as the pub were doing $7 jugs of beer and $6 Jager-bombs. Needless to say i don't recall much of the evening but I'm sure i had a very good time. A while back I remember hearing a rumour about a guy who got fired from work because he was caught wanking on the staff bus. I thought it to be some sort of urban myth but found out that apparently it was actually true and the guy had been working in rentals! He was a weird guy anyway called Will. He had the most unusual social skills. Well, wanking in public kinda confirms that i guess. The rentals guys also told me that he also got caught wanking in an Internet cafe in town and by his room mate one morning. Sounds like the guy has serious problems. What a wanker!

The assassination game is still running. They are down to the final two though. One is Anna who is the defending champion from rentals, and the other is Camilla who is this tiny little thing from F&B. Amazing how good girls are at this game eh? I got killed spectacularly but also controversially. Dicks invited me to the pub the other day for a few after work drinks. I agreed not knowing that he was my assassinator and that I was walking head first into a trap. But then Dicks got killed at work so had to give his target (me) to his killer. When he got to the pub i was relaxed as i knew he had been killed and was out of the game. What i didn't know was that he texted my assassinator and told them i was in the pub and ripe for the killing. Needless to say i was ambushed and got killed. But after discussion with out game coordinator, "M" my kill was deemed illegal as there had been co-operation between someone who was already out of the game. Apparently you can't get together and plan hits. I was fine with it all though and was actually glad to be out of the game. Dicks did feel bad, but only for about a minute.

Funniest moment of the week this week has to be was when i was working in the shop with Match. He's Dickons house mate and works mostly at the shop at the Remarks. We were talking about our cameras and showing each other some of our snaps. I have hundreds which i need to upload to Facebook at some point by the way. Toshi was also eaves dropping on our conversation. So i was looking through some of my snaps when i came across an awesome pic of Dicks playing Frisbee golf from the week before. I said to Match "Hey I've a great picture of Dicks on here." He was serving a customer but said "Oh cool, I'll have a look at that in a minute." Toshi, who was still listening to us then freaked out and said he thought it was very inappropriate for us to be looking at pictures of Dicks in the shop, especially in front of customers. It took a while for the penny to drop before i realised he thought we meant penis's and not our friend Dickon, who we call Dicks. I back tracked well and managed to explain to the customers that our friend is called Dicks and that were weren't actually looking at willies. They saw the funny side of it, as did Tosh when we explained ourselves. Oops.

So, another week has gone past. The sword of Damocles that is the end of the season is dangling precariously above me. I see it and feels it's presence. So many of my friends are looking forward to the end of the season. They are either fed up with it all now or are looking forward to their summer jobs or their onward travels. I should be too but as i have said before, i have met some truly amazing people here and i will feel sad when they go. I am super happy that we decided to stay an extra few weeks in Qtown and i know i should also be ecstatic about my onward plans but it is all closing in. This whole sabbatical is coming to an end. I still have until April before i set foot on Englands shores but i am just so happy right now. I don't want it to ever end. I am at a stage in my life where for the first time in a long time i never want the days to finish. I don't even hate working either. I got to a stage back home where every perspective shift filled me with doom. I am still amped about working. I love it. Maybe just because it is still so new and different but it seems that just as i am truly loving it, it is being taken away. Maybe for good. I sure hope not. HUGE DRAMATIC SIGH.

Anyway dudes, I'm off to go look at more pictures of Dicks.




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