Wednesday 3 June 2009

Come on Hamish, not in a porno way though.......

Hello everybody peeps!

Sorry my last entry was a bit of a downer. Funny how only i can take a really positive situation like getting your dream job and turn into a shitstorm of dread and anguish. Stupid pessimistic brain! No i feel really upbeat about the job situation again. It helps that the ski season starts in a few days with the Coronet Peak resort opening and then the Remarkables resort a few weeks after that. It also helps that i bumped into Hamish again last night and he told me had another interview with NZski who are the company that owns the resorts, and my current employers (well, they will be after i sign my contract). It is his 6th interview with them! I asked if he had his own private parking spot at the snow centre yet and if they all knew him on first name terms? I wished him all the luck in the world and really hope he gets something. Hopefully up on Coronet as it will at least mean i know more than two people up there. I told him about the dickheads i met last week and he shared in my shock that they were given jobs and that he wasn't. I recommended he dye his hair orange, get a few facial piercings and drop a few C bombs in the interview. It obviously worked for Xmas face girl.

So whatever you guys did a few weeks back to help me get my job (prayer, positive vibe sending, crossing of fingers, death threats, blackmail, bribery) i would appreciate it if you sent a little more to hook my homeboy Hamish up. He really is a good kid.

Life in Q town is as good as ever. Well, improved actually. The town is filling up again with smoking hot women all dressed in their cute little ski coats and beanies and the snow is falling. We missed the big storm that was supposed to hit. It dodged Q town and wrecked Rotorua in the north island instead, dumping a foot of snow on the unsuspecting town and causing it to shutdown. Another big resort in the south island, also owned by NZski, is called Mt Hutt. It is a small resort and a bugger to get to and very isolated. It had to close on it's opening day because..................wait for it........................they had too much snow!! How the hell can that be a problem? Not enough snow? Yeah i can get that but too much? What are they doing up there? I get a free pass for Mt Hutt included with work so might see if i can venture up there for a few days. It's a good road trip away. About a 6-7 hour drive across some sketchy icy roads but might well be worth a visit. Might have to get in good with a few guys in town who own their own helicopters. Now that would be pretty frickin sweet!

I hear that the UK is experiencing some awesome weather at the moment too. I am oddly really missing summer. I'm not a hot weather kinda guy and after a few days of heat like it to cool down again. Which is why i love the UK because we very rarely get a real long string of really hot weather. This year, apart from a brief warm period when we first got to NZ, we have had back to back winters. I am really missing being able to sit in my sisters garden with a cold beer long into the evening, talking about shit and eating one of Harrys legendary BBQs. I miss that so much. Have been thinking about home a lot this week. I have got to a point in the story that I'm writing which is really reminding me of my family and all my friends. I've been all alone this week too as Kate has worked a seven day stretch and it all adds up to me just really missing my mum, my sisters and the rest of my family and friends. I want you all to know guys that i am thinking of you and that i love you all millions.

Anyway guys, chat soon.




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