Friday 29 May 2009

Lost some shine

In my last blog entry i finished with a question, why am i a pessimist? Well, i got my answer. It just seems that when good stuff happens to me there is always a rebuttal. Something not so good to counteract it all. Since i found out about my job offer i have been prancing around sniffing the proverbial roses and generally feeling a million dollars (Kiwi not American). On Thursday though i got dropped a little bit back down to earth. Not completely taken down a peg or two but it has certainly taken some of the shine off getting the job.

I went out on Thursday night for my weekly games of poker and met up with Hamish (the guy who let me queue jump on my interview day and pretty much secure my job). I was psyched to see him but didn't want to seem too excited about getting the job just in case he didn't. I thanked him again for letting me jump the queue with him and offered him a drink. He declined and asked if i had heard anything from the ski resorts. I told him that i had heard from both of my interviews. The rentals people had phoned me that day and told me that although i had been unsuccessful they wanted me to be on the standby crew in case anyone dropped out and they also gave my name to the guy who runs the rentals at the Remarkables resort. I told them i already had a job in the shop which the guy seemed genuinely excited about. Hamish said that he hadn't heard anything and that after i left he still waited 4 hours before he got interviewed! I asked him why he waited so long and he just shrugged. Apparently the girls organising the lobby had accidentally crossed him off the list, thinking that he had already interviewed. He said that by the time he got his interview he was pissed off and so where the interviewers. He said he tried but he could tell that the interviewers weren't that bothered anymore. I felt really bad but when i told him this he said i shouldn't be as he had applied to different departments anyway so it wouldn't have mattered. I still feel bad though. Hamish is super timid anyway but if i had seen him after my interviews i would've probably encouraged him to go see why he hadn't been called. He played it down saying that he had a few other jobs lined up but I'm not so sure he wasn't inwardly gutted. I offered him a drink again but he declined.

Further shine was rubbed off later that night when i went to the other poker tournament at the Surreal bar. It's usually the best organised tourney in town but this and last week it was totally spoilt by drunken new folk. I had an Aussie girl on my table who was out of her tree! She didn't really have a clue what she was doing and just sat there dropping C bombs and insulting everyone. She looked rough as too. She had so many facial piercings she looked more like a Christmas tree than a person! She was there with a few guys and i got chatting to one of them. He was from the UK and seemed slightly less irritating than Xmas face girl. I asked if they were in town for the season, secretly hoping they were just passing but he said they lived there and just got jobs at Coronet Peak! I couldn't believe it. How the hell could these two Doosh bags get a job up there and Hamish not? I sat and sulked for a bit until he asked if i skied or snowboarded. I know there is a friendly rivalry between skiers and boarders and could tell this guy was a boarder from a mile away. I told him i skied which caused Xmas face girl to unload a barrage of abuse. The guy who runs the tournament asked her to leave but she just abused him so i decided i had had enough and along with my friend Cameron we chucked our chips in and went to the bar. I got chatting to a few of the regulars and we all stood around moaning about all the new Doosh bags that were in town. I'm just so glad they don't work in the shop at Coronet. They might be cool when they are sober but i can't imagine that Xmas face girl is gonna last long in Q town before someone takes offence and knocks her out if she carries on like that. The town is mostly chilled but there are a lot of reckless drinkers who get themselves in trouble. A few of the guys at poker are all bouncers and i smile at hearing their stories from drunken evictions of dicks from their clubs and pubs. I wouldn't mess with these guys! They look like the forward line for the All Blacks! Huge Moari dudes but nice as pie. Good poker players too.

I'm still super psyched about my job though. Apparently over 5000 people applied to work in the resorts this year! On my open day over 400 people applied for the 40 jobs left, so looking at it that way, i did pretty good. Kate got her ski pass yesterday too so she is amped and can't wait for the season to start. She has come along in leaps and bounds with her skiing and in Japan, at times, looked like a real skier. Well, until she fell and cracked her head which knocked her confidence. She has a brand new helmet for this season and it feels good that she is so looking forward to skiing in a few weeks. I have always worried that she only skis to keep me happy and that she worries that she holds me back when we ski together. She doesn't though and i love just taking it mellow so she can keep up. She gets tired quickly so then i get to go off and ski all the gnarly runs on my own. If she keeps up her current trend of improvement, by the end of this season she'll be flying.

We sprung a leak in our apartment yesterday. It has been really cold this week, bottoming out at -5 degrees the other night. I feared we had a burst pipe but the management company sent us a plumber straight away and it turned out to just be a leaky feed pipe to the toilet. It was in our spare bedroom too so no harm done. We use it as a store room for a lot of our winter gear but nothing got too wet.

Right well i better get back to getting dinner ready. Kate is working a 7 day stretch so i have brought the biggest joint of NZ lamb for a roast tonight. It's been marinading in a mint glaze for a few days and is going to be awesome! Chat soon guys




1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwwww son...don't do this to yourself (first part of your blog)..
    A couple of reasons ok...?
    1. As lovely as Hamish was letting you Q-jump with him, it was HIS responsibility to step up and ask wtf was going on..why had it taken 4 hrs to i/view him..? Also just a thought ..if you couldn't find him after having your interview..maybe they couldn't either when it WAS his turn, and he missed his chance...Soz darling..but this isn't a rebuttal..more a weakness of Hamish's to step up to the mark..You made the correct impression..Simple as!
    (not being cold-hearted, just being factual)
    You are a human/child/animal magnet...Remember that Darrell Barrell...xxxxx
    Every person who knew you were waiting on the results of this i/view, knew when you pulled the glove liner 'outta the bag' so to speak..The job was yours..THE END!
    As you have a beautiful heart and soul, don't feel too bad about Hamish not getting the job..This is the way of the world..
    I fucking love you!
    2. Christmas Tree c***s.. = hate from a distance..and there not a way one of you could have snuck away from the table and asked 'management' to move the CTC from the table..?
    Watching drunks makes ya cringe and also think 'Oh my fecking lawd..Do I act like that when I'm off it and too shitfaced to recall?'
    (I'm sure its not just me that does that)
    O;-) <- me with me halo..
    Just like when a pub changes takes a while to bar all the dickcheeses...
    It'll settle down ..
