Friday 12 June 2009

The end of an era..........

Quite an eventful week this week. Don't worry I'm still managing to squeeze in my 4 hours of porn a day and play poker. Had a few set backs though this week. Firstly the news that my little sister Ellie has broken her ankle in 3 places and had to have surgery! It's the second time since I've been away that i have wanted to come home. Just drop everything and jump on a plane. I hate being away from my family when stuff/drama is happening. It's not that I'm worried about missing out but i just want to be there to give moral support and lots of hugs. I have long arms which are very good for hugs apparently. Get well soon sis. I love you millions and we are thinking of you lots and lots. Probably have to put the whole professional football player thing on hold for a while eh?

The second, and even more drastic setback is the loss of my grey hat! If anyone has seen me over the last year then they will know that that hat has pretty much been permanently glued to my bald noggin. I remember buying that hat on a shopping trip to Westfield with my little sisters, who i swore to secrecy because i bought it in a womens clothes shop! I'm not a tranny or anything but the hat was awesome and subsequently got sold in the mens section of the shop too so i consider myself more of a trend setter as oppose to a cross dresser. Anyway, i put my hat in the washing machine without thinking to look at the label and guess what? It got a bit stretched and mishapped. Kate came up with the great idea of boiling it and tumble drying it to make it shrink again. A great idea yes, if my hat had been made of wool. It wasn't and Kates laughter will forever haunt my soul when i put the hat back on. It was pretty much ruined. Well, it looked more like a duvet cover than my old hat. I had a little ceremony when i threw the hat out and have begun my search for a replacement. Groan.

On a more positive note, Coronet Peak has opened. I don't start work up there until the 22nd of June so don't get my ski pass til then but my boss emailed me and wanted me to go see the layout and have a ski so he sent me a free day pass. We went up there yesterday and had a blast! The base building is super modern and enormous. The shop is huge and well smart. I met up with my boss and also met Billy, who is another guy working in the shop. He is from Edinburgh and my first impression is that he is a really nice guy. We chatted like we had been friends for ages so I'm super stoked about starting there in a few weeks. The skiing was good too, actually a lot better than i thought it was going to be. Only half the hill was open but it was still relatively calm up there and i have already scouted out a few little ledges and jumps to throw myself off at some point. I really am psyched about getting up there. I also found out that i will be working full time. I'm OK with that too as i get ride breaks. Meaning i get a long lunch break to go skiing every day. Cool huh? There is also talk of being able to swap over to the other resort, The Remarkables, for some time too. Although Toshi (my boss) said i was too good to work over there which boosted my confidence a little bit as Coronet is definitely the better of the two resorts. Well, it's more of a ski resort. The Remarks is more of a ski park style resort. It has lots of parks with pipes and rails which is something i wanna get more into but means there will be more boarders than skiers there.

So I'm still not sure what days i will be working but they seem relaxed about rotas and stuff. Good too as there is a ski instructor course running that i am quite keen on doing too. We shall see i guess.

Kate is happy as well. She fell a few times up on the hill but not badly. I should remind her that she is technically still learning and that falling is part of that. She is already starting to parallel turn and just needs to work on her weight distribution and posture and she will be fine. It also helps that everyone is loving her ski jacket. She has a bright green North Face limited edition coat and is getting lots of compliments from people. I can certainly see her up on the hill and green always compliments her ginger hair so it's all good.

So i am still so happy about my job. Well, even more so now i have met some of the guys i am gonna be working with and have seen the hill and the awesome base building. Other awesome news is that we found a British sweet shop. We went in to look for strawberry liquorice and ended up spending shed loads on drifters, Baby ruths, Tizer and red vines. I think i had way too much sugar and have not really been able to sleep since then! Maybe i need to detox myself.

Still playing poker regularly in town and still meeting lots of new people. The town is really starting to fill again. It's funny at poker now as we know so many people and everyone has there own little hand shake. I get confused often. I go in for just a regular handshake and am suddenly pulled in and hugged or there is a complex shake, twist then punch greeting. I guess i just to practice more which means more poker! Yay! It has been a bit weird this week as i played a lot of games sober. I've had this stomach bug and just felt horrible. Not bad enough to stay in but not good enough to get my drink on. Did OK at poker but certainly wasn't as relaxed without some dutch courage in me.

Wow, this is going to be my last week of just chilling at home, watching porn and playing poker. After that i am gonna be working so no more 3am poker at the Surreal bar for me! Had better make the most of it then. Take care all, especially you Ells. Get well soon baby.




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