Monday 6 April 2009

A roof over our heads............YAY!

Whoa, for a laid back country things can move pretty fast here. No sooner had i finished my last blog entry and handed in our references to the real estate people we got a call telling us we have the flat and can move in tomorrow! The lady in the agency had initially said she thought we'd have to wait until after Easter to hear anything, especially since the guy who owns it lives in Australia. Well, they must have liked us or lady luck must have been distracted by a fluffy squirrel or something and stopped firing bad luck at me for a while. We are absolutely over the moon. I cannot describe how cool this apartment is. It's super modern, well laid out and in a pretty good location with a great price. It means we will have to trek into town or to wherever we actually get jobs but there is a reliable bus service here that stops right outside the apartment complex. Plus we have already scouted out the night buses that run from midnight til 5 am and go straight past the apartment complex for when we head into town for a wee drinking session. Er, meaning a small drinking session. Not actually drinking wee.

We have decided to move in on Thursday as it gives us a bit of time to get the electricity all sorted. Plus we paid for a week at the campsite upfront as we never expected to get somewhere this quick.

Biff has well and truly started to show us his bad side with all this. The leak we had when we first got him from the hot water tank is back with a vengance and one of the shelves above our little sink fell off today too! All very small things really. I just hope he's not brewing some sort of massive mechanical failure or brakes malfunction on a steep mountain road to really spit his dummy out! We love you really Biffster. Our little Biff-meister. Who's a good little van? (said in a cute voice whilst tickling under Biffs dashboard)

Kate also got a call from the jet boat company and has an interview tomorrow. It'll only be for 3 days a week but should contribute quite nicely to the rent and may get me a free jet boat ride on the dart river. She has been reading up on everything to do with jet boating in preparation. Did you know jet boats can run in as little as 3 inches of water? All pretty impressive stuff.

As if the day couldn't get any better, it's been snowing on the mountains! In town it's just been raining constantly but in the occasional breaks in cloud we can see an awesome white dusting on the Remarkables (the big mountain range on the other side of the lake). There has been a noticeable chill in the air today and i reckon it's our first day in single figures, temperature wise, since we got here. I'm super psyched to see some snow as it is probably my most favourite thing. Well, apart from that other thing that involves taking your clothes off (ahem). And no, i don't mean swimming.

So today has been pretty decent. It has pee'd down all day but didn't dampen our spirits one bit. Wow, i sound amazingly optimistic. Shit that's not right. Oh no, it probably means that Russia is going to invade New Zealand and give everyone monkey AIDS or there will be a huge earthquake and the ski resort will be sucked into the core of the Earth and instead of skiing I'll have to start collecting cheese labels or every interview i have i will get rejected from and I'll have to resort to selling my body. I'll be standing on street corners with my nuts out shouting "Feed the birds, tuppence a (ball) bag!" or something. I have already prophesized that i will break my leg on the first day the ski season starts and I'll spend the whole season in a wheelchair, like some sort of Rear Window Hitchcock-esque type scenario. Ah, pessimism. I'm just so much better at it.

I'm quite sure everything will be fine really..........maybe. I'll let you know guys.




1 comment:

  1. ((((((((((hugs son))))))))))

    There, there darling...Mummy chased that nasty bogey man 'Mr Optimism' away..

    Peace out \o/
