Friday 17 April 2009

Poker and biffing Biff

I have already mentioned the healthy poker scene they have here in Q town. Kate and i decided to have another shot at the tournament they run at a bar called the rattlesnake. We both played last week and to be fair, put in a pretty poor showing. This week i met Kate after work, parked up Biff and we headed to grab a quick bite to eat before the game started at 8pm. We found a supposedly English pub called the Pig and Whistle and had a drink there before heading over to the rattlesnake. We got into the game and i ended up finishing 2nd and winning a $40 voucher for the bar and restaurant. I also managed to hammer my way through the best part of a keg of beer! One of the guys i had played against invited me to another tournament at another bar called Surreal which, in my drunken state, sounded like a really good idea. Kate decided to call it a night and drive Biff back as she had work the next day. I stumbled over to the bar but had to wait an hour before the actual game began so i decided to kill time drinking more beer and chatting to anyone who sat next to me. I was chatting to this American girl when i suddenly realised i was there to play poker and that the game had already started. I managed to get my chips just in time and hit the tables. It was a far professional set up with a little LCD TV telling you when the blinds (compulsory bets) were changing and the tables themselves were very posh. I did OK and made it to the final table again but got knocked out in 3rd place. The guy who had invited me to the bar then asked if i was willing to join a cash game that they were planning. I was a little dubious but it was only 20 bucks to enter and i was really quite drunk at this point so i said yes. I don't know how many people were playing but there was action on 4 tables and each table had between 8 and 10 people playing. I won't bore you with the details but 3 hours later i had won $110 dollars by finishing third again. I staggered out of the bar at around 3am and managed to find a taxi which dropped me home.

The next morning i awoke still drunk and it wasn't until the afternoon that i finally got dressed to go and collect Kate for her 4 hour lunch break that she gets! She works funny hours. As i got dressed i recollected a text message i had got from Kate during my poker adventure which said she had hit Biff and dented him when she tried to park back at our place. Well, when i got out to inspect the damage it was a little bit more than a dent! She had somehow managed to hit one of the support struts of the carport we park Biff under and scrap some paint off and gouge out a good sized piece of the sliding back door. It's probably not as bad as i make out but i was quite annoyed. That said, i had been out til the wee hours boozing it up and playing cards so i couldn't really be mad. I picked up Kate who sheepishly got into the van and apologised for biffing Biff. I said it was fine. She then informed me she was really tired as she hadn't slept and when i had got home i had kept her awake apologising for ages and then tried to pee in our walk in wardrobe! Not intentional i assure you! I sometimes do weird things when I'm a little tipsy. Oh dear. Not even the fact that i had won some money seemed much comfort and i was well and truly in the dog house.

The job situation here is starting to get me down a bit too. I got a call from The Warehouse saying i didn't get the job which i was actually quite pleased about but have now realised that there isn't really a lot of work here at the moment. I don't want to pin all my hopes on the ski field but i haven't heard anything either from any of the other jobs i applied for. It's not necessarily the money but I have been stuck in the house bored for the last few days while Kate has been at work and there is only so much Internet porn a man can watch! No, i have been watching movies and playing guitar waiting for the phone to ring. It's all a bit boring at times. I mean i spent 10 minutes earlier watching a wasp on my balcony get dangerously close to a spider web. I could see the spider sitting in the web and kept wondering which would win in a fight? I mean the wasp was pretty big and has a sting but the spider has the element of surprise and shits silk! Too close to call. I might have to catch a wasp now and throw it into the web just to see what happens. I could film it and put it on youtube or something.

Yeah so it's all a bit of a catch 22 at the moment. I want to be out doing things but that tends to cost money, money which could best be used paying rent and feeding my addiction to banana milk. I might have to start walking into town to play frisbee golf or something on a regular basis. It's free, it's exercise and it gets me out of the house and away from (don't follow the link - it's not a real website, i just made it up cos it sounds funny, you pervs!). I suppose i can only do that until the weather turns but hopefully I'll be employed and/or skiing by then (crosses fingers, closes eyes and says a small prayer). I also think Kate is feeling a little bit of pressure as she is the sole breadwinner at the moment. If she loses her job then we would still be able to afford the rent but it eats up funds which we have ear marked for other things and further travels. I know it will all change here in a month or so as the winter season starts to kick in, the summer workers leave and more jobs become available. It also sees another big influx of people looking for jobs for the season though. Groan. I'm sure it'll all be fine and to be honest I'd rather be unemployed here staring at mountains all day then stuck on the A40 at home taking an hour to travel 25 yards! Who knows maybe I'll start working on a screenplay! Yeah like i have interesting things to say! Oh wait, i do. Hence the blog i guess.

Anyway peeps, I'll keep you informed of any changes and give constant updates on my fight to beat banana milk addiction.





  1. are soooo funny!
    I am picturing you here sitting in Q town, unshaven ..down and out..with a sign
    "Poker and Banana Milk addiction to feed..Please help"

  2. I'm feeling that too mumsy!!! My big bro has turned into a NZ hobo!!! lol ;-))x
