Monday 4 January 2010


So first things first, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Holy shit, where the fuck did the last ten years go? I remember the millennium as if it was only 5 years ago, not ten. Blimey, nothing like a new year to make you feel old. For me, new years have always been a time of reflection. Well, to be honest, from my birthday in late November until that first week of the new year I am always reflective. Inwardly critiquing myself and the past year. It’s amazing how different I feel about myself and everything I do now then I did 10 years ago. So much has happened in that time. Ten years ago I was finishing my degree and embarking on a career path with all the enthusiasm of a man with the world at his feet. I had ideas of owning a home and maybe even starting a family.

This year my goals are so much different, in fact they are almost the reverse of my goals from that distant past. I love my job but at this moment in time the prospect of going back into the same chaotic work force is filling me with dread. I had to email my new boss this week and inform her that I am finishing my work break 3 months earlier than planned. It was hard to do. I mean there are all the stresses and strains of working but with an extra 3 months off and money in the bank, the urge to continue travelling is gnawing at my soul. To carry on this lifestyle would be a dream come true. Anyone who has spent a prolonged period travelling will relate to this. Yes, it sucks being away from loved ones but the freedom you experience and the amazing people you meet is something very hard to give up.

I am worried I will not be able to go back into the role I had before I left work. The NHS is a needy mistress and I may be required in other departments. I could do the work standing on my head whilst simultaneously cupping my balls, it’s not a problem. The problem arises from the stress these other departments inflict. I am known as a very amicable, easy going character at work and that’s mainly due to the fact I don’t get stressed. If I were say, to go back to labour ward I think I wouldn’t be so laid back. Who knows? I may well be worrying over nothing but the thought of looking elsewhere for work has creeped into the back of my mind just in case. I have always been a firm believer of doing a job you love. If I fall out of love with it for whatever reason, it’s going.

Hell, if it gets really bad at work I could always get a job in Tesco just until I get enough money together to hit the road again. Living in a van for the best part of a year has shown to me that I can survive on pretty much nothing. I have rotated the same 4 t shirts for the past 6 months! I have washed them of course but I have a wardrobe full of clothes I never wear. The salvation army have had some pretty nice donations from me already but what the hell do I need all these clothes for at the moment?

So we started the new year in Whakatane (pronounced Fuckatanay which always made me giggle – so immature). We left the Coromandel just after christmas. It was a really pretty part of the country. Especially Cathedral cove which is an amazing secluded beach. It’s called cathedral cove because of this huge natural arch which separates the 2 beaches there. It is pretty isolated and completely enclosed by high white cliffs. It has awesome pohutakowa trees growing over the beach providing shade and giving it a real tropical feel. It was about an hours walk to get to the beach though which Kate gave up on half way. She was sun burnt from the previous day, had no sun screen on and it was frickin scorching. That and she is so unfit! So I did the walk myself and found the 140 steps back up from the beach a bit of a struggle but it was well worth it. Got some pictures but they no way do it justice. I suggest googleing it.

We also went to hot water beach but as we had already dug ourselves a sandy hot tub back in Kawhia all those months ago, we just watched. It was way too hot for us on the beach so we headed for shade and the safety of Biff.

The drive to Whakatane was pretty cool and we even passed through a town called Katikati (pronounced Katie katie we assumed). It was definitely a town for Kate since it had massive traffic jams due to loads of people who couldn’t park! Just like Kate.

We spent the new year just outside Whakatane at Ohope beach. It was nice except it seemed everyone in New Zealand with a tent descended to our campsite. No lie, it looked like a shanty town! The christmas and new year break is a big deal over here. Half the country shuts down and, due to it being summer, heads to the beach. Whakatane is one of the sunniest places in NZ so was bound to attract plenty of sun worshipers. We on the other hand stayed out of the sun. Somehow though Kate managed to get burnt sitting in the shade of Biffs retractable awning! I swear I am married to a vampire sometimes. Meanwhile Kate sits opposite me smothered in aftersun with a bright red head!

We have since departed Whakatane and headed north back to Auckland. We will probably hang around here now for the duration of our stay which is only 3 more weeks! Jeez, that is depressing. No, we need to sell Biff and Auckland is probably the best place. We are outside the main city in Northshore. It’s a leafy suburb with some amazing Asian markets. We have fallen back in love with Japanese food again which is gonna help the ever expanding waistline and the annual new year resolution to loose more weight. That said I just crammed in 2 and a half steamed spicy lamb buns. Oh how I have missed steamed buns since we left Japan.

Being in Auckland has it’s benefits I guess. We got to watch Avatar again but in 3D this time which nearly blew my cock off! How good is that movie? Answer, pretty damn good! It is getting lots of attention here as it is heavily associated with New Zealand. They have the most amazing special effects company here. Just look at Lord of the rings, King Kong and of course Avatar for examples.

We have also been doing a few things we missed last time we were here like Kelly Taltons Aquarium. It was OK I suppose but had emperor penguins so we couldn’t not go. I got a bit sad actually watching a huge turtle flailing around in its tank. Not sure an animal as nomadic and migratory as a turtle should be in a tank, especially as they live for so long too.

So I am all over the place mentally at the moment. Gutted about leaving NZ but excited at the same time about our onward travels. Pensive over last year and determined to make this new year special. Apprehensive about going back to work but desperate to come home to see my family. And then there are the fireworks going off in my mind which is the excitement about my sisters wedding in October.

I hope you all had constructive 2009s. I am proud to say 2009 has been probably the best year of my life for so many reasons and yet I still have so much more to do. I guess I just need to focus on that at the moment and let all the other stuff sort itself out. Happy new year guys. Make the most of it.




1 comment:

  1. (squints at font) lol
    Happy New Year darling...xxxxxxxx
    LYM MYZ xxxxxxxxxxxx
