Friday 3 July 2009

Jug nights and mild concussions

Wow, how fast did this week go? Answer, hella fast! Time flies when you are having fun i suppose. The winter festival kicked off last weekend and there have been loads of events and things happening around town. Last Sunday we headed into town to watch the birdman competition which saw loads of nutters jumping off a platform in fancy dress into the very cold lake which was then followed by the drag race. Sounds kinda normal eh? Well, no it was a load of dudes in drag running around a race track on the lake front. It was packed but we managed to meet up with Mike and Aya, watch the festivities then go for a few drinks. We played pool, got our drink on and had a right laugh. Kate started to feel the effects of all day drinking and got the bus home. So Mike, Aya and me carried on drinking and then went to a poker tournament at the Revolver bar. Mike and Aya got knocked out pretty quick but i went on to win! It was sweet. I won a $50 bar tab and 2 tickets to the big night out pub crawl which are worth $50 too. Not bad for a night out. Mike and I then got invited to a cash game at the guy who runs the poker nights house. It was like a who's who of Q town poker but by 4am i was out and ready for bed. What with working full time it will probably be the end of a lot of the poker games we have been playing in town. Because the winter is here the town is full again so a lot of the bars we played in are doing different things instead of poker. Probably not a bad thing but it means we won't get many chances to see the regulars any more. That said, quite a few of them have popped into the shop and said hello and we will still play regularly at the surreal bar which will probably become even more popular due to other tournaments finishing for winter.

Work is still totally awesome. I have really settled in too and am already into the daily routine of the shop. We even had a stock take which was pretty hard work but we managed to do it and won't need to do another one for at least.............. a month! Groan.

Thursday night was Jug night. When someone cocks up at work or makes a pratt of theirselves they get fined a jug of beer, which they then have to buy everyone on jug night. For example, a girl on the bus home last week kicked over a bottle of wine which spilled down the aisle. She was fined 4 jugs!! Now as there are only 4 of us who work in the shop we don't really have a jug night but get invited out by the other departments. We don't fine each other jugs either, well at least it seems that way so far. Billy and T (who i work with) are so nice, I'd feel bad about "jugging" them. So for our jug night we tagged along with the admin department and went for a Japanese meal and a few drinks. It was very civilised and i was tucked up safe in bed by 11pm. I did have to work the next day though so cut me some slack.

The next morning the bus journey in was a bit eventful. Half the bus was still drunk and the other half were asleep. I sat and eavesdropped on debauched stories from the previous evening. We sold a fair few panadol and ibuprofen tablets in the shop too. Ha ha!! It may be different by the time the next jug night rolls around as i have managed to wangle the next day off. UH OH!!

Another thing has happened at work which i am a little concerned about. It seems my secret is out. I am now known as "The Midwife." Most people don't even know who i am but they know that some guy who works in the shop is a midwife, and they know it ain't Billy! In fact a few guys have even come in to the shop to confirm the rumours. One of the admin girls came in to talk to me about it saying that it was cool that someone actually had a skill. It was nice but made me feel kinda old. My new neighbour even came into the store to chat to me about lady bits. Sort of odd i suppose but i haven't talked about lady bits in so long so i actually enjoyed it. What can i say, i know a lot about lady bits.

The only other thing this week was me cracking my head on a pretty bad tumble on the mountain. My own stupid fault of course. It snowed for the first time in weeks so i was keen to get out on the hill. At the bottom of my first run i skied over to the beginners lift called Meadows and started doing spins into switch skiing (skiing backwards) but hit a pile of new snow which stopped my skis in their tracks. Unfortunately, the rest of my body kept travelling and i cracked the back of my head on the snow. Now snow is not always as soft as you think and i was seeing stars for a few seconds after. When i got back to the shop and told Billy and T they made sure i was OK. T's boyfriend Blake is a ski patroller and always tells T about the accidents that happen on the hill (we've had numerous broken bones and a few spinal injuries!) so she made sure i wasn't concussed. Needless to say i am now wearing my helmet, well............not right now, that would just look stupid but i am wearing it when i ski now(so relax Mum). Billy has also got himself a helmet on my advice. He has also started wearing a similar beanie to me and Kate thinks he is trying to emulate me. I'm sure he isn't. He seems a strong minded guy and probably just liked the style of hat i wear. If he starts skiing with a bandana over his face(like i do), chucks on a bit of weight and starts to belch the alphabet, i'll start to worry.

Tomorrow sees the end of the winter festival with a big party on the hill and a rail jam which we are going up to see and meet a few friends. In a way I'm happy that the festival is coming to an end and that the town might calm down a bit. The hill will still be busy as it's bloody school holidays here. Stupid kids! Little gits flying around on the mountain jumping off everything and being lippy. Man i sound old!

Anyway guys, if anyone wants to email me to let me know how things are at home, feel free (hint hint).




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